Registered Societies / Other Establishments
Registered Societies
Central Wool Development Board

CWDB was constituted in 1987 with its head quarter at Jodhpur, Rajasthan with a view to harmonize various diversified interest among different sectors of woolen industry with an Integrated Policy Development. The CWDB has been registered as Society under the Rajasthan Societies Registration Act, 1958. It works under overall guidance of Governing Body of Board and under control of the Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India. The Board also functions as an Advisory Body to the MOT on the matters relating to growth and development of wool sector. The Ministry of Textiles has appointed Shri Gordhan Raika, as Chairman of Board vide Ministry of Textiles Resolution No. 6/1/2022-W&WT dated 31.05.2022. There are total 29 members in Governing Body of the Board.
Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel International School of Textiles & Management (SVPISTM)

SVPISTM was set-up on December 24,2002, as a premier National level Institute for Textiles Management at Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, to prepare the Indian textiles industry to face the challenges of post-Multi Fibre Agreement era and establish it as a leader in the global textiles trade. The Board consists eighteen members, a Chairman and a Vice-Chairman of the Institute comprising of representative of the Industry and eminent personalities from the field of academics was reconstitutes on October 15, 2013 for a period of three years.
Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel International School of Textiles & Management is an autonomous body set up under the aegis of Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India. The aboriginal institution to continue and play preeminent role in the field of professional Textile Management Education. Preemptory global competition and perception of a new appetite for trained, dynamic and professional work in textiles industry gave birth to this Institute.
Established in the year 2002, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel International School of Textiles & Management has been playing a catalytic role in sensitizing and professionalizing the textiles industry, by creating successful professionals, who distinguish themselves by their intellectual capital, commitment to excellence and continuous development. Textile Associations like Tirupur Exporters’ Association, The Southern India Mills Association and Power loom and Export Promotion Council have donates generously for the enhancement of the institution. Textile industries like 1. NTC (National Textile Corporation) 2.Reliance 3.Cotton Corporation Of India Limited 4.Lakshmi Machine Works 5.Gongothri Textile 6. VRMV Sankaranarayanan Southern Charitable Trust 7. Super Spinning Mills Limited and 8.Precot Mills donated profusely for this institute.
Transition in the present textiles industry with huge expansion, needs the best management brains with technical synergy. With changing time frame, the Institute has been taking pro-active steps to adopt itself to the changing dynamics of the textiles sector. The Institute is inculcating a thought-provoking interplay of individual vision, intellectual discipline and a sense of team work. Latest technologies are employed for effective delivery and the curriculum emphasizes practice orientation, in the areas of research, consultancy, executive development and knowledge management. Recently the Institute has emerged as the centre for innovation, incubation and entrepreneurship to help innovators in successfully commercializing their innovation through an enterprise. Stepping on the untraced roads of the most successful and strongest diasporas in the Textiles Industry all over the world.
Other Establishments
National Handlooms & Handicrafts Museum (NHHM):
National Handicrafts and Handlooms Museum, New Delhi is set up at Pragati Maidan over a period of 30 Years under administrative control of Ministry of Textiles. Museum's village complex is comprised of 15 structures representing village dwellings, court yards and shrines from different states spread over an area of 5 Acre. Museum contains about 20,000 objects most rare and distinctive pieces of collection reflecting continuing tradition of Indian Craftsmen.
Senior Director
Pragati Maidan
Bhairon Road
New Delhi - 110 001