




Export Promotion Councils

Apparel Export Promotion Council

Apparel Export Promotion Council

“Incorporated in1978, AEPC is the official body of apparel exporters in India that provides invaluable assistance to Indian exporters as well as importers/international buyers who choose India as their preferred sourcing destination for garments. A quick look at how the Apparel Export Promotion Council (AEPC) has been the moving force behind lot of achievements:
From one office in 1978, it has over 12 offices in just a span of 30 years. From just being a quota monitoring entity, AEPC is today a powerful body for the promotion and facilitation of garment manufacturing and their exports. For Indian exporters, AEPC is quite literally a one-stop shop for information advise technical guidance workforce and market intelligence. Members have access to updated trade statistics potential markets information on international fairs and assistance in participating at these fairs. It also plays a large role in identifying new markets and leading trade delegations to various countries.

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A - 223,Okhla Industrial Area
Phase-I.New Delhi-110020
Phone: 011-40501798

The Cotton Textiles Export Promotion Council

The Cotton Textiles Export Promotion Council

TEXPROCIL - The international face of Indian Cotton Textiles.
Since its inception in 1954, as an autonomous, nonprofit body dedicated to promotion of exports, The, popularly known as TEXPROCIL has been the international face of cotton textiles from India facilitating exports world wide.  Texprocil has a membership of around 3,000 companies spread across major textile clusters in India.  Its members are well established manufacturers and exporters of cotton textile products like Cotton, Yarns, Fabrics and Home Textiles, showcasing a dazzling array of products across the value chain.
The Council connects international buyers with appropriate suppliers and facilitates interaction that enables them to source their specific needs.  It also provides information on India's competitive advantages, its export environment and updated position in the global market place.
Texprocil provides regular updates on international product trends, trade related issues, advances in technology and the latest developments in the industry, as well as existing and emerging markets.  It also undertakes regular market research, organises participation in international trade fairs, holds its own Buyer Seller Meets and facilitates international trade missions in India and other countries.
The Council enables better understanding of Indian and International trade policies, emerging trade issues, social and environmental compliances, quality management and sustainable business practice.

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The Cotton Textiles Export Promotion Council
Engineering Centre, 5th Floor
9 Mathew Road, Mumbai 400 004

The Synthetic & Rayon Textiles Export Promotion Council

The Synthetic & Rayon Textiles Export Promotion Council

The Synthetic & Rayon Textiles Export Promotion Council (SRTEPC), set up in 1954, is one of the oldest Export Promotion Councils in India.
The Council has played a transforming role over the years, inculcating export culture and promoting exports of Indian man-made fibre and textiles. Exports of these items, which were negligible in the 1960s, have grown substantially to touch US$6.16 billion during 2013-14. India exports to nearly 140 countries at present.
The Council envisages exports to the tune of Rs. 55,000 crores (US$ 9 billion) by the end of the 12th Five Year Plan (2016-17). The MMF textiles industry contributes 17% of the total Indian textile exports and this share is growing. India is the sixth largest exporter of MMF textiles in the world.
Vibrant Indian MMF textile industry
The Indian MMF industry is modern, vibrant and growing. India is the second leading producer of cellulosic fibre/yarn and the third largest producer of synthetic fibre/yarn in the world. At present India produces 1263 million kgs of man-made fibre, 2655 million kgs of yarn and 27889 million sq mtrs of fabrics annually.
Products under the purview of Council The products under the purview of the Council are MMF and blended textile items including fibre, yarn, fabrics, made-ups, accessories, home textiles, technical textiles etc.

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The Synthetic & Rayon Textiles Export Promotion Council
Resham Bhavan,
78, Veer Nariman Road, Mumbai - 400020, India.

Wool and Woolens Export Promotion Council

Wool and Woolens Export Promotion Council

Introducing foreign businessmen to local manufacturers/exporters and provide them with the information useful in conducting business.
Inviting leading exporters to visit India and gain first hand information regarding the capability of the Indian Woollen Industry.
• Assisting foreign buyers in their visits to India and chalk out their tour programmes, arrangements etc.
• Working with the organisers of leading International Trade Fairs and Exhibitions, in order to project the quality and variety of Indian Woollen Products abroad.
• Researching foreign markets and and sponsor Study-cum-Sales Team/Delegations abroad.
• Promoting and actively practice overseas public relations.
• Monitoring international fashion forecasts and transmit them to Indian Exporters.
• Helping the Textile Inspection committee of India to ensure that Indian Woollen Products are made as per International Standards.
• Chalking out and implementing programmes for enlarging and improving the production base of the Woollen Industry.
• Maintaining close liason with the International Wool Secretariat and Wools of New Zealand.

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Flat No. 614, Indra Prakash Building
21, Barakhamba Road , New Delhi -110001

Wool Industry Export Promotion Council (WOOLTEXPRO)

Wool Industry Export Promotion Council (WOOLTEXPRO)

WOOLTEXPRO is an autonomous, non-profit Export Promotion Council, sponsored by the Ministry of Textiles and set up by the Ministry of Commerce, Government of India, which has become the international face of Indian woollen textiles successfully facilitating exports.
Major functions of WOOLTEXPRO

• Foreign delegation to India and arrange their tour programmes.
• Arranging Buyer-Seller Meets in India and abroad.
• Maintaining close liason with the International Wool Textile Organisation, Woolmark Company, Wools of New Zealand, Australian Wool Innovation, etc.
• Arranging trade fairs and exhibitions in order to project the quality and variety of Indian woollen products. Research foreign markets and arranging delegation/study tour abroad
• Chalking out and implementing programmes for enlarging and improving the production base of the Woollen Industry.
• Exploration of overseas markets.
• Providing your Company profile to overseas buyers and vice a versa.
• Resolving shipping & transport problems
• Advise on export finance, banking and insurance.
• Extensive publicity in India & Abroad.
• Deputation of trade delegations, study teams, sale teams to foreign markets
• Oragnise buyer/sellers meetings in India & Abroad.
• Market study

Churchgate Chambers,
7th Floor, 5, New Marine Lines
MUMBAI – 400 020

Indian Silk Export Promotion Council

Indian Silk Export Promotion Council

The Indian Silk Export Promotion Council (ISEPC) was set up in 1983 as a company not for profit under Companies Act duly sponsored by the Government of India in the Ministry of Textiles. The Council as on date has a membership of 655 regular exporters of Silk goods whereas more than 1800 exporters have registered with the Council. ISEPC works closely with the Government of India on policy formulation concerning silk sector and provides specialized services to the entrepreneurs enlarging global business opportunities for the silk industry in India.

Main Activities of the Council
• Explore markets and identifies items offering export potential by conducting market surveys.
• Establish contacts with the presepective buyers to generate their interest in Indian Silk products.
• Sponsor trade delegation, study teams and sales teams to various market abroad.
• Organize Buyer Seller Meets for its member exporters.
• Organize Silk fairs and exhibition in India.
• Participate in trade fairs and exhibitions abroad.
• Resolve trade disputes.
• Launch generic promotion of silk products from India.
• Organize Workshops/Seminars on various trade and policy related issues.

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B-1, Extn/A-39,
Mohan Cooperative industrial Estate
Mathura Road, New Delhi- 110044

Carpet Export Promotion Council

Carpet Export Promotion Council

CEPC was established by exporters under Companies Act in the year 1982 and is a non-profit organization, set up with the objective to promote and develop exports of Handmade Carpets, Rugs and other Floor Coverings. It is an official body of handmade carpet exporters for promotion of exports from country and projected India's “Make in India” image abroad as a reliable supplier of high quality handmade carpet products. CEPC therefore, helps in R & D, quality assurance, timely delivery of finished products across the globe in addition to skill enhancement of weavers / artisans / entrepreneurs, strengthening base in existing markets, identifying potential markets, educating about government policies and its compliances, providing assistance for brand building of Indian hand-made carpets, through publicity, participating in and organizing world renowned trade fairs, expositions and road shows etc around the word in established markets. Also exploring potential and upcoming markets globally for promotion of Indian handmade carpets, rugs, floor coverings etc

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Niryat Bhawan, 3rd Floor,
Rao Tula Ram Marg,
Opp: R.R. Army Hospital,
New Delhi – 110 057, INDIA.

Export Promotion Council for Handicrafts (EPCH)

Export Promotion Council for Handicrafts (EPCH)

Export Promotion Council for Handicrafts (EPCH) was established under Companies Act in the year 1986-87 and is a non-profit organisation, with an object to promote, support, protect, maintain and increase the export of handicrafts. It is an apex body of handicrafts exporters for promotion of exports of Handicrafts from country and projected India's image abroad as a reliable supplier of high quality of handicrafts goods & services and ensured various meausres keeping in view of observance of international standards and specification. The Council has created necessary infrastructure as well as marketing and information facilities, which are availed both by the members exporters and importers. The Council is engaged in promotion of handicrafts from India and project India's image abroad as a reliable supplier of high quality handicrafts

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EPCH House, Pocket 6&7, Sector C, Local Shopping Complex
Opp DPS, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi, Delhi 110070

Powerloom Development & Export Promotion Council

Powerloom Development & Export Promotion Council

Powerloom Development & Export Promotion Council (PDEXCIL) is set up by the Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India in the year 1995. The Council has been registered under Section 25 of The Companies Act, 1956, having its Registered Head Office at Mumbai, Maharashtra & Regional Office at Erode, Tamil Nadu.
The main objectives of the PDEXCIL is to promote, support, develop, advance and increase powerlooms and export of Powerloom fabrics and made-ups thereof and to carry out any such activity in such manner as may be necessary or expedient.
PDEXCIL undertakes many activities such as Capacity Building Programs, Seminars, Fairs, Buyer Seller Meets, Reverse Buyer Seller Meets, participation in International fairs, Trade delegation visits etc for development of Powerloom industry in India and increasing exports of Powerloom fabrics and made-ups.
Our Members can take benefit from the activities of PDEXCIL for improving their facilities, export performance and development. The success of the powerloom industry today in India, is in no small measure, due to the support and assistance offered by the PDEXCIL. Spurred on by the developmental activities initiated by PDEXCIL, Indian power-loom textiles are equipped to meet the challenges posed by the global supermarket.

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GC-2, Ground Floor, Gundecha Onclave,
Kherani Road, Saki Naka, Andheri (East),

Handloom Export Promotion Council

Handloom Export Promotion Council

India’s Textile Industry is the country’s second largest industry in terms of employment potential. Handloom sector plays a very important role in the country’s economy. Handloom industry is the largest cottage industry in the country with 23.77 lakh looms.
The major handloom export centres are Karur, Panipat, Varanasi & Kannur where handloom products like Bed linen, Table linen, Kitchen linen, Toilet linen, Floor coverings, embroidered textile materials, curtains etc. are produced for export markets.
The Handloom industry mainly exports fabrics, bed linen, table linen, toilet and kitchen linen, towels, curtains, cushions and pads, tapestries and upholstery’s, carpets, floor coverings, etc. The major importing countries of Handloom products from India are USA, UK, Germany, Italy, France, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Australia, Netherland and UAE.
Handloom Export Promotion Council (HEPC) is a nodal agency constituted under “The Ministry of Textiles, Government of India” to promote exports of all handloom products like fabrics, home furnishings, carpets, floor coverings, etc. HEPC was constituted in the year 1965 with 96 members and its present membership is around 1400 spread all over the country.
The prime object of HEPC is to provide all support and guidance to the Indian Handloom exporters and International buyers for trade promotion and international marketing. HEPC organizes / participates in International Trade fairs, Buyer Seller Meets in India and abroad & seminars.

“When the world starts dreaming Our hand starts weaving”

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Handloom Export Promotion Council
(Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India)
34, Cathedral Garden Road,
Chennai –600034.

Jute Products Development & Export Promotion Council

Jute Products Development & Export Promotion Council

All types of jute, jute blended and jute union products made from jute fibre, yarn, twine and fabric for conventional, technical and new & diversified uses and products. - See more at:

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Chatterjee International, 5th Floor, Flat No, 8, 33A, J.N.Road
Kolkata, West Bengal, 700071

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